Discover Eden offers custom-made Big 5 Experience, Ecology and Marine Biology courses for people passionate about ecological sciences and conservation.
Big 5 experience, ecology and marine biology courses
Discover Eden offers specialist experiential courses for people passionate about the ecological sciences and conservation. Working with leading specialists in South Africa, Kenya and Ecuador, our Big 5 Experience, Ecology and Marine Biology courses aim to expose students in the field to what conservation in action is all about. Our custom-made small group tours ensure a personalised learning experience with fun-filled days under the African and South American sun.
During our 17 day Big 5 experience course, you’ll be in and amongst the largest and most deadly animals on the planet, from rhino, elephant & buffalo to hyena, lion and snakes. This course is ideal for those who want to get to grips with large mammal conservation and reserve management in Africa and includes topics such as animal rehabilitation, animal capture, reserve management, ecology, ornithology, herpetology and more. You will walk away with skills that are essential tools for the modern-day conservationist. MORE INFORMATION
We offer three Ecology courses – 11 day Ecuador, 16 day Kenya and 16 day South Africa courses. Each course is designed to get you hands-on with several aspects within the ecology sector. Engage with professionals across a variety of habitats, from field-based to sanctuary-based, that go beyond a tourists experience. Get to grips with a range of field-based research techniques that modern-day conservationists employ. Interact with NPO’s leading conservation efforts. These courses WILL give you meaningful field experience. More Info: ECUADOR SOUTH AFRICA KENYA
Our two-week marine biology course is designed to give meaningful field exposure to students who are wanting to experience what life as a marine biologist is all about. Rub shoulders with the staff at our partner organisations who are making vital contributions to the conservation of South Africa’s marine environment on a daily basis. Join specialists who are studying sharks, whales, dolphins, seals, fish, and birds in the wild southern Cape marine environment and get that field experience you are yearning for in this diverse environment. MORE INFORMATION
First up, kudos to you! Choosing a career in the conservation world is not for the faint-hearted, but it’s definitely worth it. Our trips are designed to give an important hands-on snapshot of a range of different career options in the biological sciences. Whether you are aiming to work as a researcher, a conservationist, an animal rehabilitator, a game ranch manager or even a tour guide, we will give you an insider’s view of what it’s like on the ground Check out our skills handout for more info on what you will learn.
Why South Africa, Kenya and Ecuador?
All three countries have a rich history of cutting-edge research & conservation. World leaders in innovative conservation, South Africa, Kenya and Ecuador are in our opinion the places to learn what it takes to make a meaningful career in the field.
Run by Elton du Plooy and Dr Mark Brown, Discover Eden is the outcome of our combined passion of doing high-quality scientific research, cutting edge conservation, and passing on knowledge and passion to the next generation of ecologists.
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contact us
Please do get in touch with us if you have any questions about the Discover Eden Big 5 Experience, Ecology and Marine Biology courses or travel information for our courses.
+27 82 797 8907 contact@discovereden.co.za

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